Saturday, 29 August 2009

Kitchen Table Melody

Title: Kitchen Table Melody
Author: Agnes T. Harjaningrum
Publisher: Femmeline, Bandung,Indonesia


It was not easy to be a full-time mother. I'm bored, I need something else to actualize themselves. I did not mean to refuse to be a housewife full time. I'm not grateful for everything. Gratitude that I have planted since I set this option. But what can I do when it all becomes not easy? And you know what happened to me? I became very unstable! Ill-tempered, sensitive. Are the women who also experienced the same thing? Or I'm just not normal?

Agnes heart outpouring represent millions of women who initially dedicated his entire life for the family, full time. But at a certain point, awareness of 'empty spaces' in existence demands. 'Empty space' that must be filled, so determination Agnes. The spirit of this book unique and special. With a background uncertainty accompanying the husband to live in Europe, we can feel the emotions that are delivered by the author to us.

The lessons in this book feels very, Like as when we're sharing with brothers or sisters of their own: very strong aroma of honesty, candid, witty, intelligent, humane, tender loving, learning and knowledge, until the end ... ... ... dare turn on the torch of change! So Doctor Agnes and her first book was very interesting!

This book is more interesting because it contains some new information that leads us, the parents, to get out of the wrong paradigm of medicine and health. To your mother a housewife who is saturated with crap home affairs, care of sick children and husband, read this book! Insha Allah your problem solved.


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